Bringing New Innovations To The Medical Massage Therapy & Structural Bodywork Profession

Get RESULTS with Kyle C Wright’s Method of Medical Massage Therapy & Advanced Structural Bodywork

A Message from Kyle C Wright, LMBT …

    • Founder of the Wright Centers in Asheville & Charlotte NC
    • Founder of the North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork &
    • Founder of the Florida School of Advanced Bodywork                        

The Wright Centers are healthcare facilities devoted to the on-going clinical research of soft tissue pain, muscular imbalances, joint restrictions and the relationship of gravity and posture. 

What We Do: In a Nutshell

Clinical / Medical Massage Therapy and Advanced Structural Bodywork address muscular imbalances and skeletal deviations such as twists, tilts and rotations of the pelvis, spine and shoulder girdle, in turn causing pain & dysfunction. 

The Objective Of This Work is to provide a NON-Painful approach to relieving a Client’s pain and dysfunction by DE-compressing and balancing their musculo-skeletal structure.

In MORE Than A Nutshell …

Bodywork As A Meditative Experience
One of our objectives is to teach students how to quiet their minds while quieting their hands. Students learn the importance of effective communication when teaching clients the art of how to receive bodywork.

In turn, this tends to help Clients & Patients quiet their own minds and muscles, as well. This leads to greater relaxation and reduction of chronic, excess muscle tension and stress.Consciously applied and consciously received bodywork allow Clients & Patients to fall into a deep, parasympathetic, relaxing state, reducing accumulated C.E.M.&.N.T. or Chronic, Excess Muscle & Nerve Tension & Stress.

NO Pain, MORE Gain & the Parasympathetic Nerve System

Parasympathetic Function includes the functions of physical & mental rest, regeneration, tissue rebuilding, general healing, and many immune functions.

Deep work with a non-painful approach positively affects the central nervous system. Our No Pain = More Gain approach stimulates the client’s parasympathetic response so the client can “let go” of their deeper levels of chronic muscle tension, often stored deep in their neuromuscular memory.

Structural Analysis & Postural Evaluation

“Seeing” More Deeply Into the Structure & Posture
Most therapists practicing today believe in what they “see” on the surface while viewing a client’s posture is what is “real” going on deeper in the structure. The surface contours of the body very often give the exact opposite “information” as to what the bones are actually doing.

More often than not, to many casual observers — the untrained eyes — more common approaches to postural analysis lead therapists to see many false illusions as to what is really going on structurally.

In comparison, our approach to Structural Assessment (a subset of Structural Bodywork) gives students more concrete evidence as to what the spine and bone & joint structures are actually doing in relationship to the mental foundation, the pelvis, and gravity.

Common Errors in Postural Evaluation:
“Too Much Curve” in the Low Back

For example, many clients appear to have a so-called “swayback” — incorrectly referred to and defined as an “anterior tilted pelvis” with “excess lordosis” (forward curve of the lumbar spine). Yet the majority of people, in fact, do NOT have an excessively anterior tilted pelvis and excess lordosis. Yet because they have a big “scope” int their lower back, it appears they are too “lordotic.”

In fact, though the assessment of “swayback” is VERY common, we see most people in modern society as having the exact opposite structural imbalances as commonly assumed. Rather than too much curve in the lower back, we more often see a posterior pelvic tilt with loss of lumbar curve. Or a flattened spine.

“Swayback” is a slang term that in the 1950s became more associated with LOSS of lumbar curve and increased kyphosis (hunch back or dowagers hump) with a neutral or posterior tilted pelvis. Yet imprecise methods of postural evaluation led to much confusion of its meaning.

In many cases, what people think they see visually is often the opposite to what’s really going on structurally below the skin. Discovering how to “see” below the skin is what we focus on. That often gives us the exact opposite, or very different, information about what’s going on in the Client’s or Patient’s body.

Gravity and the Downward Collapsed, Stooped
Posture Postural Collapse & Distortion

Postural Collapse & Distortion resolved with medical massage therapy & structural bodyworkThe compensatory reactors in the posterior torso (gluteals, back and neck) are often “hyper-tonused” (tensed up) or “electrically charged” and under the constant downward pull of gravity. This adaptively downward spiral literally compresses the body into a Downward Collapsed, “Stooped” Posture, very often with one side shorter than the other, leading to left / right imbalances (such as a high hip on one side).

The chronology of events following from long-term muscular imbalances, poor posture and gravity playing upon the structure boggles the minds of many. Muscular imbalances and the accumulation of C.E.M.&.N.T. often store up in over-lengthened yet hyper-tense muscles opposing the over-shortened muscles. And often, “where the pain is — it ain’t.”

Many therapists assume an over-lengthened muscle is more “relaxed” than an over-shortened muscle. VERY often, the Exact Opposite is True. Discerning such differences is part of the structural analysis & postural evaluation method we use,

NO Pain Means MORE Gain

Many pain sufferers have had their backs aggressively dug into using physical strength and force to no avail or only temporary results, and much of the time feeling weaker and sometimes in more pain after they were treated.

The idea appears to be the muscles and fascia are “tough, hard tissues” in need of “breaking down” to get them to soften up some. So the Brute Force Approach to muscle therapy is VERY often used.


It’s easier to open the door before you walk through it,
and you can’t peel an onion from the inside out.

~ David Scott Lynn

Aggressive, Painful Work is NOT Necessary
Many of these aggressive treatments such as deep muscle stripping, deep tissue, cross-fiber friction, stretching to or beyond the point of pain, “breaking up of scar tissue” or “adhesions,” “breaking up of (alleged) calcification” and procedures such as foam rolling do very little in the long run compared to slow, steady, gentle, compressions into the bellies of the muscles & fascia.

Musculo-fascial bellies are the only element in the human body with a physiological ability to significantly exert contractive force and shorten, or relax and lengthen. Our procedures are geared toward the slower, steadily sinking, non-painful work to the over-shortened, chronically tense muscles — not necessarily where the client feels their pain.

The bottom line is, localized (treating where it hurts) and excessively aggressive work, can very often cause more harm than good.

We’ve Trained Over 12,000 Students

For over two decades I’ve had the privilege of being a part of one of the fastest growing professions in health care: medical massage therapy.

In 1990 I started my first clinical / medical massage therapy school in Jacksonville, Florida, eventually evolving into five schools throughout the southeast. The well-planned curriculum enabled students to graduate with skills making them employable and able to meet the fast growing demand for clinically trained massage therapists.

When I graduated from massage therapy school and started my first class with six high quality and dedicated students, I never imagined witnessing over 12,000 students graduating from my schools with the same level of determination I had.

In the 30 years since starting my first practice and massage school in Jacksonville, I’ve had the good fortune and freedom to experiment with new and innovative approaches to soft-tissue therapy. It is not always easy — and often even risky — to be an early adapter of new ideas and techniques.

This is especially true when the ideas go against common understandings and practices of the day. At the time, these common practices included much of what I had previously been taught by leaders in the field. Yet, the innovative and much different approach and techniques my own schools have been teaching for nearly 20 years are steadily working their way into acceptance by mainstream massage educators and practitioners.

CLICK HERE For An In-Depth Overview of
Advanced Structural Bodywork

One-On-One with KYLE C WRIGHT

Kyle C. Wright, LMBT, NCTMB, offers 1, 2 and 3 hour private bodywork sessions for those seeking pain relief. Kyle’s approach to medial massage therapy and structural bodywork is to eliminate muscular imbalances and postural distortions often causing chronic musculoskeletal pain and joint restrictions.

Deviations in leg lengths, distortions in the pelvis, functional scoliosis, and disc related problems all have a soft tissue component addressed within each structural bodywork session. Plantar fasciitis, knee, hip, back, and neck pain as well as rotator cuff injuries usually stem from muscular imbalances caused by one group or groups of muscles “locking short” while the opposing muscles are “locking long.” … And both are “too tight.”

If such muscular imbalance is left untreated, it often leads to chronic pain. Injuries very often result from repetitive motion, muscular overload and poor posture. Kyle specializes in restoring postural/structural integrity and long-term, chronic pain relief.

To look further into your situation and what might be causing your pain and schedule an appointment with him and his staff, give Kyle a call. Kyle takes one session at a time and is a goal oriented bodywork therapist that gets results.

Thank You for reading about Clinical / Medical Massage Therapy and Structural Bodywork & Balancing.

The Wright Center in Fairview, NC
12 Minutes from Downtown Asheville

(See Testimonials for Kyle C Wright)