The Lumbar & Cervical Spine
In this workshop you will learn how to structurally assess the spine from top to bottom.
You will learn how to evaluate and treat the over-shortened muscles contributing to chronic low back and neck pain; not just treating the body parts where they hurt. Very often, where pain presents, the pain originates from distant yet related muscles that are “locked short” somewhere else in the body.
For instance, the hamstring muscle group has the ability to pull down on the back of the ischiums, rotating the pelvis posteriorly. This in turn flattens the lumbar spine (loss of lumbar curve) decreasing the space between rib cage and pelvis.
This straightening of the lumbar curve puts direct downward pressure on the lower lumbar spinal discs and facet joints. With abdominal muscles adaptively shortening, the rib cage is pulled down, tilting it forward, and projecting the head into a forward head position. This further straightens the cervical spine.
This straightening (loss of cervical curve), puts direct downward pressure on the lower cervical discs, similar to that of the lower lumbar discs.
It is imperative to treat the spine as a whole unit, because if the lumbar spine straightens, so often the cervical spine straightens as well.
“How do I make proper changes in the right muscle groups?”
In this workshop, we address the primary muscle groups that are often the culprits of painful chronic back and neck conditions.
There will be No Pain involved during this workshop.
No Pain = More Gain